Friday, December 6, 2019

Delayed Reaction: Ghost Stories

The Pitch: There must be a way to do a horror anthology that doesn't look like a horror anthology.

A paranormal debunker investigates three stories of the paranormal.

I didn't care for Ghost Stories, but I'll probably remember it longer than a lot of horror movies I liked better. It has a structure and twists that aren't quite like anything I've seen. It's billed as a horror anthology. That's technically true. There are three short stories that the professor (Andy Nyman) is told and a fourth one from his own memory that all have slightly different perspectives. But, the framing device of the movie, Nyman's investigations, is far more prevalent than in a lot of anthologies. It think it takes 20 minutes (in a 98 minutes movie) to even get to the first short story. And the final twist goes in a direction I fully wasn't looking for. Like, to the point that it almost feels like a cop out (almost). I prefer the use of psychological horror in this over jump scares in other movies. It's the rare anthology movie in which the shorts are not the best part. I was much more interested in Nyman's story, and the end of the movie makes those three stories feel like filler. I liked the inventiveness of the movie but not the scares.

Verdict: Weakly Don't Recommend

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