Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Delayed Reaction: Weekend at Bernie's

What I Guessed It Was About: A couple guys who are the guests of this guy named Bernie (I'm assuming he's of no relation to either, given what follows) at his beach house. Well, Bernie dies, but the guys don't want the weekend to end (or have some reason to make it seem like Bernie's alive), so they fake him being alive for the weekend.
How I Came Into It: The late 80s were great at coming up with movies that are so high concept that they are bulletproof. Harry and the Hendersons immediately also comes to mind. I'm not sure if that a good or bad way to go into a movie.

Why I Saw It: (Club 50) The movie commits to the premise and I have to give them credit to that. It gives two leads in Andrew McCarthy and Jonathan Silverman who are prone to deceiving people. Throw in Terry Kiser, who, in all honesty, does pretty inspired work playing dead Bernie. Add a ridiculous story about a conspiracy. Then come up with as many silly situations for people to be fooled into thinking Bernie's still alive. It's like an SNL sketch in which the writers pitched dozens and dozens of ideas and they used them all. This is a stupid movie and I like stupid movies sometimes.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: As I said, this kind of movie is impervious to nearly any criticism. So, any time I want to say "that wasn't believable" or "that beat was really forced", I'm starting on uneven footing. My stance in the end is that maybe I'd enjoy it going a beat further most of the time.

Verdict (?): Weakly Don't Recommend

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