Saturday, October 17, 2015

Delayed Reaction: Rambo: First Blood Part 2

What I Guessed It Was About: John Rambo gets out of prison and assigned to s special mission. You know how he picked on some cops in the mountains last time? That was nothing.
How I Came Into It: I knew that nearly everything that's iconic about Rambo is in this movie. Testosterone and explosions. A body count that's impossibly high. That's Rambo.

Why I Saw It: This was exactly what I thought I was going to watch. Rambo 2 completely commits to what it is and does it with a straight-faced seriousness that you have to admire. The man destroys a military base with a bow and arrow like he's a Marvel superhero (or a DC one...people like archers). It's a lot of fun.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: It becomes self parody pretty damn easily. I laughed out loud when Rambo promises his love interest that she'll come back to the U.S. with him and she is killed seconds later. Sorry, she wasn't killed. She was obliterated. In my mind, this immediately should be compared to Commando, which is more my tempo, cracking some jokes in between killing everyone and thing.

Verdict (?): Weakly Recommend

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