Saturday, October 31, 2015

Delayed Reaction: A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors

What I Guessed It Was About: Freddy's back and terrorizing a new group of kids. This time, they find a way to assemble and battle him.
How I Came Into It: They kept churning these out. The second movie pretty radically changed the concept the Freddy Kruger, so I was expecting this to do that as well. I noticed a few more names than I expected in the cast. I'm really not familiar with Patricia Arquette and Lawrence (or "Larry") Fishburne's career before this, so I'm not certain if this is prescient casting or simply going for big names.

Why I Saw It: (Club 50) Nancy's back. That was kind of cool, questionable acting aside. I almost got a Halloween H20 feel from this, like it was a "Next Generation" movie. As only a Part 3 and made that many years later, I wasn't expecting that feel already. The mythology of the franchise gets even deeper. I want to know where they go from here. There are six of these films after all.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: This was silly. It's a silly movie. It's not a scary movie. I don't think it was made as a scary movie. Horror movies, slashers in particular tend to do this. After the initial concept stops being a mystery (When we know who Jason is. When we know what Jigsaw is up to. When we know what's going to happen to the main character in any Paranormal Activity movie), then the scares stop being from the unknown and instead are achieved by amping up the action.

Verdict (?): Weakly Don't Recommend

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