Friday, July 3, 2015

Delayed Reaction: Stomp the Yard

What I Guessed It Was About: Some urban gentlemen have a dance crew and want to have the best crew of all of dance crews. They have a rival crew. There's a big competition at the end. Loud music. Loud dancing. Loud people. Can't I just watch Drumline instead?
How I Came Into It: I think I had a pretty clear-eyed understanding of this. There was going to be a lot of impressive dancing with some questionable acting in between. I didn't know who was in the cast or the exact context of this. I didn't have to to know that this was intended for people content with the climax of the movie being a dance move.

Why I Saw It: (Club 50) I've seen the movie Drumline countless times. I wouldn't say that I love the movie, but I'll agree that it's endlessly watchable. This is a Drumline clone, only with dancing instead of drums and Meagan Good instead of Zoe Saldana. The latter point is more important to me than to the quality of the movie. This too was an easy watch and exactly as engaging as it needed to be.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: Well, it's inferior to Drumline in nearly every way. More surprising though was that it wasn't as lively as I expected. There's a lot of ridiculous dancing in the beginning of the movie, but nothing that follows it is as energized as in that club. Stomp the Yard puts its best foot forward early and never matches it. I can't say that any of the actors were particularly engaging. It makes me appreciate how difficult it is to find someone who can dance like a Channing Tatum that also has the screen presence.

Verdict (?): Weakly Don't Recommend

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