Monday, March 9, 2015

Delayed Reaction: Madea Goes to Jail

The Pitch: Madea goes to jail...and some other stuff happens.
How I Came Into It: I really do try to not hate things blindly, so I'm going through and making sure there aren't any gems hidden in the Tyler Perry catalog.

Why I Saw It: (Club 50) There's...I mean...Madea is a fun character. In a more straight-comedy, something like Madea's Witness Protection, she plays very well.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: Subtlety is not Tyler Perry's strong suit, in comedy or drama, which the movie has in equal and incohesive measure. The title is pretty misleading given how little of the movie is spent with Madea in jail. The villains are so extreme that it kills the authenticity of the more emotional moments (i.e. it tries to shift between being in a cartoon world and a real world, negating both). And, like, no one has an issue with the fact that Madea staight-up should be in jail for the rest of her life, given all her felonies. How can you expect me to laugh that off and also take the stuff with Keshia Knight Pulliam seriously?

Verdict (?): Strongly Don't Recommend

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