Saturday, September 24, 2016

Delayed Reaction: The Seven Year Itch

The Pitch: Just like the Broadway play, except entirely defanged.

It's funny. While I was watching this movie, I kept thinking about how much films were able to play like stage productions back in the 1950s. It was only afterwards that I realized that The Seven Year Itch began as a play. Then everything started to make sense. I went into the movie only knowing one thing, Marilyn Monroe's skirt being blown up. I guess, if nothing else, having context for that iconic scene made the whole movie worth it. It's pretty apparent how much the movie was neutered though. It's all so chaste which is in direct conflict with every point the movie is trying to make. It's enjoyable enough though. Tom Ewell drives it well and Marilyn Monroe fulfills her exact purpose. And, it achieves the main goal of any play adapted into a movie: Now I want to see the play.

Verdict (?): Weakly Don't Recommend

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