Saturday, April 11, 2015

Delayed Reaction: Flatliners

The Pitch: Pretty people resurrect themselves, but they're still pretty people when they come back. No worries.
How I Came Into It: I don't even remember hearing about this in passing. It's one of those movies where the summary now begins with "Featuring an all star cast" that isn't one of the movies that any of the actors are most associated with (i.e. You'll never hear "Julia Roberts, from Flatliners). I assumed that there was a reason for that while also remembering that there are hidden gems sometimes (such as Dead Again).

Why I Saw It: (Club 50) The idea of finding out what's on the other side of life is ripe with potential, mostly as a horror movie (What comes back with you?). Mix that in was a good cast (Keifer Sutherland, Julia Roberts, Kevin Bacon, Oliver Platt, and even a Baldwin) and at times this is a very fun movie. And, any movie that has a scene with a little girl unleashing a string of profanity like the one in this has my respect.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: From the perspective of movie critique, I wish this would've moved more toward horror than thriller because there's a deeply unsettling movie here that I could have a tough time shaking [as a horror movie]. Instead, by going for thrills, there's too much of an attempt to explain everything and leave it close-ended which leads to some of the more insane plot points. From the perspective of even pseudo-science, well, come on, this is stupid. Would defibrillators even work when the body is out for that long? I assume this is one of those movies in which people too close to the actual science of it all can't  watch it.

Verdict (?): Weakly Don't Recommend

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