Friday, September 23, 2011

Movie Reaction: Drive

Note: I said "reaction", not "review". For me, that distinction means I don't have to write this like I'm trying to prove myself. Also, since I'm not trying to be objective or anything, I can be pretty light on the research. Now, onto the reaction for this week's movie.

I really enjoyed Drive. I went into it expecting good things based on reviews I'd read, didn't expect to be blown away, and wasn't. It's a good thing I read reviews beforehand because the previews do not do a proper job of preparing people for it. I learned this after a discussion with my mother who was under the impression this was like The Fast and the Furious. By my count, there's maybe 2 car chases in the movie, neither at the end. It's simply not that kind of action movie, if I would even call it an action movie.

Great, although not star studded. I'm calling this a great example of how to cast an indie movie. They have a couple Oscar caliber actors (Ryan Gosling and Carey Mulligan), a few TV heavy hitters (Bryan Cranston from Breaking Bad, Christina Hendricks from Mad Men, and Ron Perlman from Sons of Anarchy), and a movie actor looking to play against type (Albert Brooks).
The only person who stands out is Gosling, He seems determined to make me like him this year. This isn't to imply I've ever disliked him, but he has never been known for choosing projects I adore. After "Crazy, Stupid Love" and now "Drive" (with "Ides of March" on the way) I think he's crossed the Dicaprio line to be an actor I actively like.

I've never seen any of Refn's films. Bronson is the only one I'd even heard of. I am not studied in the ways of film making and never claim to be, but by my standards, this was very well done. The style is distinct (I'm calling it "European", but in a good way). He holds onto shots longer than I'd expect and does a good job of not overdoing the dialogue,

No surprises here. You could guess almost all of it from seeing the previews. This movie is not trying to send you in a direction you aren't expecting.
I also couldn't help but notice how, probably due to casting restraints, the criminal underworld of L.A. is surprisingly small. It's really more of an under-neighborhood than an underworld.

I really like the soundtrack. It hit all the beats it needed to. Generally I don't even notice the music selection, so that I noticed it at all, says a lot.

Know a couple things before going in. This is a very violent movie. It doesn't start like it, but it sure ends that way. Also, driving is important in the movie, but this is no high octane thriller. It is more of a payback, traversing through the criminal underworld movie, like a Guy Richie movie but without the funny.

Verdict (?): Weakly Recommend

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