Saturday, July 20, 2019

Delayed Reaction: Gattaca

The Pitch: So, these DNA tests. I think I found a potential flaw in them.

In a world where the biologically inferior are literally second class citizens, a man tries to fraud the system in order to realize his dream of going to outer space.

Honest to god, I have no idea how I dodged this movie for so long. If someone drew up a profile of all the movies I've seen to guess what else I've seen, Gattaca would be in the highest probability. It has the right mix of high concept premise I'd be drawn to, stars who I'm likely to follow, cult status, late 90s cable rotation, and Oscar fringiness. In fact, for years, I probably just assumed I'd seen it because...I must've. Maybe I confused it with Gothika? I really don't know how I missed it for so long.

Oh well, problem corrected. Now I guess The Ewok Adventure tops my surprise unseen list?

It's hard to find much I didn't like about this movie. I like the dystopian world. The caste system based on life expectancy and other genetic features is a great high concept conceit. It may not have seemed like it at the time, but looking back, this is an ideal Ethan Hawke role. A buttoned up Uma Thurman fits perfectly too. Supporting actor weirdo/prick Jude Law is better than leading man Jude Law. This is well under 2 hours, which is a minor miracle, given all the worldbuilding. I also like that this is really a murder mystery story mixed into this larger idea. This is in that Equilibrium, Predestination, Moon, 12 Monkeys, and even The Matrix mold of SciFi that doesn't get made enough and is deeply satisfying when it's done right.

Does this means it's time for Dark City?

Verdict: Strongly Recommend

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