Sunday, July 21, 2019

Delayed Reaction: Band-Aid

The Pitch: It's a Sundance movie for people who like Sundance movies.

A couple forms a band to write and perform songs about their different arguments.

This movie has everything I want out of a Sundance movie. It has two leads that I recognize from shows I like; ones who have a charming and believable chemistry together. It has a story that's small enough that the small budget doesn't get in the way. It stops just short of being laugh out loud funny before moving into some more dramatic topics. It announces a talented writer, director, and/or star. The supporting characters are played by actors I like, playing to their strengths. It even has some nice music.

That describes most of my favorite Sundance movies over the last few years: Hearts Beat Loud, Me & Earl & The Dying Girl, Dude, Sleeping With Other People. I know some people bristle at the idea of a "Sundance Formula" but I love it.

Particular to this movie, Zoe Lister-Jones and Adam Pally are so great together. I'm not sure if they have a personal history. They are about the same age and have been in a lot of the same kinds of shows and movies. I can't find a connection in their filmographies, but that doesn't means there's no off-camera connection. Regardless, they were very believable as a couple, and I'd believe it if you told me they were old friends.

It's a good sign when my biggest issue with the movie is that I didn't think it had enough of the songs. None of them were billboard hits, but they worked really well for what the movie needed. Like a lot of Sundance movies, this feels the need to go just a hair darker than I would've liked. I'm not sure what to make of Fred Armisen as the neighbor. Armisen is one of those guys who is funnier in the room than on the screen. His bits are the kind that no doubt caused his castmates to break while shooting, but they aren't quite as hilarious while watching afterward. He's good and gets a few zingers that hold up.
If there was any doubt by the end, the mid credits scenes won me over.

Verdict: Strongly Recommend

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