Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Movie Reaction: Creed II

Formula: Creed + Rocky IV

Of the Rocky sequels, Rocky IV is the one I respect the most. Making a sequel to Rocky misses the point of the whole thing. The original Rocky is the ultimate underdog, moral victory story. It's a story about a guy who didn't belong finding a way to be good enough, even if it's just for one night. No matter how the sequel got handled, it was going to cheapen that. Rocky II remakes the original movie and changes the ending. Rocky III tries to flip the script and make him an underdog by saying he was deceived all along. Rocky V and Rocky Balboa try to use his age as an excuse. Rocky IV I respect, even though it's a pretty bad movie, because it's transparent in every way. It's Russia vs. the U.S. It's corn-fed American grit vs. super-human 'roided-up Russian intimidation. Nature vs. Science. It's a jingoistic encapsulation of the cold war in a boxing ring. Go big or go home.

Like the original Rocky, Creed had no business being as good as it was. It breathed new life into the Rocky franchise by essentially rebooting it while nodding to the past. It's so good that I barely like calling it a Rocky sequel. It nearly stands on its own. Sequels are almost never as good as the original (not counting sagas that have sequels baked in). That's because a great original movie is close-ended. A sequel requires ripping the story back open and reverse-engineering something to work. Knowing that the sequel to Creed wouldn't be as good, the smart move is to give the people what they want - Creed vs. Drago - and figure out the rest from there.

It's the only decision that makes any sense. People only remember two Rocky "villains". I had to look up Clubber Lang, Tommy Gunn, Mason Dixon, and Ricky Conlan but I know Ivan Drago and Apollo Creed immediately. Since Creed's son is the protagonist now, Drago's son is the antagonist who makes the most sense.
Creed II quickly skips by the Rocky II and III phase of Adonis' (Michael B. Jordan) career. He wins the boxing title early on. He's still with Bianca (Tessa Thompson), and Rocky (Sylvester Stallone) is either in remission or forgot he has cancer. That's exactly when, out of obscurity, Viktor Drago (Florian Munteanu) shows up stateside with his father Ivan (Dolph Lundgren) to challenge Adonis to a match. Ivan's loss to Rocky 30 years before ruined his life. Everyone left him behind, so he's raised his bruising son to get revenge on everyone, and sees Adonis as the perfect target. Let's just say that Viktor is every bit the physical specimen that his father was and Adonis isn't ready for him. Adonis must decide how much avenging his father's death means to him, now that he has people counting on him.

The whole cast is back even though director Ryan Coogler, who built Creed from the ground up, is not. And that sums up how I feel about the movie. I still got all the same thrills as in Creed. Munteanu is built like a tank and Jordan has figured out how to tone every muscle on his body. They make great training montages and look very comfortable in the ring. Tessa Thompson softens Jordan's performance. Adonis is an intense guy and needs someone like Bianca to put him in his place. Stallone and Phylicia Rashad (as Adonis' mother) ground the film nicely. Even Dolph Lundgren gets some good moments. Ludgren just has the same problem as latter-day Arnold Schwarzenegger. After being introduced to the world as a villain, he's spent his years being a pretty nice guy, so seeing him turn heel again looks out of place. Director Steven Caple Jr. has some fun with slow motion and knows when to deploy the iconic Rocky theme for maximum effect. Without Coogler though, Creed II doesn't have the same weight as before. The Dragos are cartoonish (although I did get a little emotional over how their story played out). The Rocky cancer arc gave Creed a dramatic story that Creed II couldn't match. Creed II has everything except the heart that Creed had.

What I'm saying is that Creed II isn't quite as good as another really good movie. At the end of the day, the appeal is about the same, although no one will complain when Creed II gets shut out of the Oscars. This is a really good entry in the Rocky franchise.

One Last Thoughts: It's impressive how many ways the Rocky franchise has handled the climax. It's a boxing match, so it's win/lose. Each movie has a result that feels different though. Creed II ends the fight in a way I haven't seen a Rocky movie do before that's also thematically resonant with Rocky IV.

Verdict (?): Strongly Recommend

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