Friday, March 18, 2016

Delayed Reaction: Higher Learning

The Pitch: You know what the typical college experience needs? Neo Nazis.
How I Came Into It: John Singleton has Boyz in the Hood, so I'll always know he has some talent as a director. This is a strong cast too. I didn't know much in terms of how this movie is regarded.

Why I Saw It: (Club 50) This started off very interesting. I liked the interweaving of the large ensemble's stories. For a while, the control over it was impressive. This was like a version of a Spike Lee movie that I actually liked. And Laurence Fishburne sure had a lot of fun with that accent.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: Then the movie lost its god damned mind. As it moves from neo-Nazis to race wars to campus shootings, I lost all interest. What began as an attempt to honestly examine modern (at the time) college dynamics turned into a sensationalist mess. Half the cast gets left on the editing room floor by the last act. And how are neo-Nazis even interesting? Was Singleton worried that if he didn't make it so black and white that people would get the wrong idea?

Verdict (?): Weakly Don't Recommend

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