Saturday, June 8, 2019

Delayed Reaction: xXx: Return of Xander Cage

The Pitch:
Person 1: "The first xXx needed more."
Person 2: "More what?"
Person 1: "Exactly!"

Badass Xander Cage returns to the xXx program to - uh - stop a...thing. I think. There are bad guys who...well...OK, I did pay any attention to what it was about.

I haven't studied much about film criticism. That's partly due to laziness. A lot of it though is that I'm really afraid of losing the fun of movies. It's sad reading reviews where the person gets so bogged down in the technical elements that they forget to talk about if they actually liked the movie or not. One thing has stuck with me from another review I read though. The reviewer was explaining how he graded movies and he pointed out that his grade was how well the movie succeeded at what it was trying to do or be. It wasn't a grade of how much he liked the movie. That was a great reminder that not every movie is for me and not every movie is trying to be great. Sometimes, movies want to be big and stupid and there's nothing wrong with that.

Case in point: xXx: Return of Xander Cage. This is not by any measure a "good" movie. It doesn't make much sense. It's ridiculous from beginning to end. It's basically The Expendables told through Vin Deisel's ego. And I'm OK with that. The movie is hilariously built for international profits. It starts with Augustus Gibbons (Samuel L. Jackson) recruiting real life Footballer Neymar. Xander's crew has people from the U.S., the U.K., China, India, and Australia. The fact that it has a knockout like Nina Dobrev as the clumsy tech expert really sets the tone too. I believe Kris Wu's Nicks' value to the team is stated as "he knows how to have a good time" or something like that. Ruby Rose is introduced straight-up executing lion poachers. This plays into everything its critics think about it and embraces it. I couldn't resist letting out a cheer when Ice Cube shows up, as silly as that was.

This movie doesn't work if it takes itself at all seriously. Even when, on paper, they are saying something serious, Vin Deisel is grinning at the camera. Part of the reason people roll their eyes at the Fast and Furious movies is that they play everything straight. xXx is the Fast and Furious' id made into a feature film. Everyone is playing into the joke and taking that job seriously.

I didn't get much out of this movie. It's not my taste. I would exchange some explosions for more clever qips. The only reason I bothered to watch this was that I had so much fun tracking Nina Dobrev and Ruby Rose's prank war on instragram while filming this that I wanted to see if any of it translated to the film. Also, it's super easy to leave this on in the background while doing something else.

Return of Xander Cage is exactly what it promises to be. I can't defend it with any sort of critical eye. It's not a disciplined movie. It's not trying to secretly be better than it is, like, say Dorm Daze. There's no ambition to this movie. I don't even think it's a Vin Deisel ego trip (although he gets the full Wesley Snipe treatment throughout). It's a dumb action movie. Don't overthink it.

Verdict (?): Weakly Don't Recommend

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