Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Delayed Reaction: Satanic

The Pitch: Some 20-somethings on their way to Coachella get killed when they dabble in satanic rituals.

It worries me whenever the movie I watch doesn't even have a Wikipedia page. Here's what I knew about this movie going in:
-It stars Sarah Hyland.
-It's a scary movie.
-It's about young people going to Coachella but making a pit stop to visit famous death locations in Los Angeles first.

I don't try to hide the fact that I'll watch a movie if someone I think is attractive is in it (Please see my Delayed Reaction of Geek Charming). What helps is if the movie is under 90 minutes, I'm already drunk, and it's going to include the line "We should've gone to Coachella". So, the movie wasn't great. It featured a recurring joke about seeing a Two & a Half Men taping, which wasn't even on the air by then*. I'm fairly certain they filmed this on the set of American Horror Story: Hotel while the crew was on their union lunch break. There's a line in the movie when Sarah Hyland comments that a girl looks like she's barely 18, which reminded me of the pot calling the kettle black. Finding out that this group of 20-somethings was from Boulder was the least surprising thing in the movie. I'm not sure what the point of the girl in the window at the beginning turning out to be Sarah Hyland was other than a chance for the screenwriters to have someone call them clever. If you can't tell by now, I am just typing up the notes I jotted down while watching this. I won't pretend the movie needs any great analysis. It's a capable scary movie. Sarah Hyland gets to do something different than playing Haley Dunphy. Clara Mamet gets to remind me that Zosia Mamet has a sister and David Mamet has more than one daughter. I'm super excited that Justin Chon is also the kid who goes missing in 21 & Over, because it means that I'm not being casually racist for thinking that was him.

*To their credit, they do have someone point out that the show isn't on anymore, but that doesn't slow down the references to it.

Verdict (?): Weakly Don't Recommend

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