Thursday, March 23, 2017

Delayed Reaction: 13 Assassins

The Pitch: A remake of a movie that is basically a Seven Samurai clone already.

They had to lay a lot of pipe for this one. It's slow at the beginning, which I assume is leftover from the structure of the 1963 original. Once it moved to the big battle at the end, it's hard to complain. The action is sustained for a long time. It shifts between the characters well. The stuntwork is great. I have no complaints about the second half.

And some of my issues with the first half are my own fault. I couldn't keep track of the names and some the the details about the shogun and the traditions of the time lost me. Still, 13 characters is a lot to juggle. Seven Samurai has trouble giving personality to half the number of characters in double the amount of time.

Verdict (?): Weakly Recommend

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