Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Delayed Reaction: Blood in the Water

The Pitch: Let's take the opening of Sunset Blvd. and make it into a movie about people who spend way too much time swimming.

But seriously, way too much time swimming. I think Willa Holland spends 80% of the time in that same, barely-there bathing su--ohhhhh, that's right. Now I remember why I started this.

This film tries to be a sort of L.A. Noir about a love triangle and deception. It probably was about that on many levels, but I kept tuning out. Specifically, the dialogue was way too obvious. When lines sound like they would've worked in The Room, that's a bad sign. And not the "good" parts of The Room. They'd fit in the boring scenes that you forget about in The Room. The scenes with Alex Russell calling one of his parents were especially brutal. I could keep going, but I wouldn't be adding any value to the conversation (not that I have up to this point). It was a very forgettable movie that failed to keep my attention to the point that I don't remember it well enough to reflect on it. Don't watch this, even if Willa Holland is in a swimsuit for 80% of the movie.
Like, the same swimsuit over what I think was a significant number of days. How often was she washing that thing? Why didn't she have more than one? I don't think a lot of money went into this film. Or thought.

Verdict (?): Strongly Don't Recommend

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