Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Delayed Reaction: Jenny's Wedding

The Pitch: A movie about coming out to one's family that isn't about the person who comes out.

How I Came Into It: I'll admit, the thing that got me in the door was Katherine Heigl and Alexis Bledel as a couple. That's all I knew, and on a lazy afternoon when I need something on on the side, that'll do.

Why I Saw It: This movie is done a lot differently than I expected. Based on the beginning, I assumed it would be about Katherine Heigl more. She's almost a supporting character though. She comes out to her family, then it becomes about the family's response. The variety of responses are good. The brother doesn't care. The sister uses it as a way to be angry at he for other things. The mom mostly doesn't want people to gossip. The dad initially doesn't care, but then feels attacked. All that I found very interesting.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: The movie though, isn't very good. It has all the Indie Movie 101 problems you'd expect. I literally laughed out loud after one scene ended on a serious note then immediately and loudly, cue the inspirational empowerment ballad. The grass metaphor was super subtle. The story lost the thread of the conflict repeatedly. I can't really tell if the acting was bad or if no one had chemistry with each other. Both Heigl and Bledel are great when they're used right but aren't known for their range. Tom Wilkinson tries to add shading to his character, but there's just not enough room in the script for it. I have to say, I was very surprised to see that this came from someone as experienced as Mary Agnes Donoghye (Screenplay: White Oleander, Beaches).

Verdict (?): Weakly Recommend

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