Sunday, August 28, 2016

Delayed Reaction: Creep

The Pitch: What ever happened to that creepy kid I knew in 3rd grade?

I'm on a horror kick lately so I've been looking up every good one I can find on Netflix. All I knew about Creep was that it has Mark Duplass who just works too much to be a human. But that's beside the point.

I love how efficient this is. Only two actors (and briefly, the voice of Duplass's wife, Katie Aselton - also from The League). Less than 90 minutes. No effects. Nearly no budget. It's lean. Its simple. Duplass is intense in a great and unsettling way. Patrick Brice isn't as good an actor as Duplass, which works in his favor, since he's just supposed to play "some guy". I'm a bigger fan of being unsettled rather than being scared, so I appreciate that they don't go too big at any point.

The only drawback is that it is so bare bones that even its already short run time felt a little long. There's been talk of making a sequel to this. I'm not sure I want that. The simplicity of this one is what works so well.

Verdict (?): Weakly Recommend

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