Sunday, August 21, 2016

Delayed Reaction: Hotel Rwanda

The Pitch: Germany's wasn't the only genocide. It's about time there was an African Schindler's List.

How I Came Into It: I'm at that point with my Netflix queue where all the movies are either films that I'm too afraid to watch when I'm not being attentive enough (Foreign, strongly visual, depressing movies) or have so little urgency that I have a hard time excusing watching one of them over the first type (a lot of Sundance movies and movies that never played outside of L.A. and N.Y. due to lack of demand or finances). Hotel Rwanda has been sitting around in the former category for a while. I was sure it would be good, but did I really want to get depressed that night?

Why I Saw It: While this wasn't a jolly movie, it wasn't as hard to watch as I expected. It was informative as much as anything. One of those movies that I'm pulling up the Wikipedia article about the actual events while I'm watching it. Don Cheadle is great in it. And, I got to be reminded of how funny looking those U.N. Peacekeeping force outfits look (Canary blue. Really?).

Why I Wish I Hadn't: The closest thing I have to a complaint is that after years of build-up in my head, the movie didn't blow me away. It's a solid four though.

Verdict (?): Weakly Recommend

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