Saturday, July 16, 2016

Delayed Reaction: Walt Before Mickey

The Pitch: I'm sorry. The title is missing a few words: Walt Disney Before Mickey Mouse. There. Now you get it.

How I Came Into It: I'm pretty obsessed with the Disney Parks. While I'm not yet in the "Cult of Disney", I'm not far off. I'm not to the point where I'm seeking out Disney biographies, but I do find the man very interesting. To my knowledge, this film wasn't produced by the Disney company. I was curious to see an outsider's perspective.

Why I Saw It: So many good intentions. So many. Whoever was pushing to get this project made really wanted to teach people about how Walt Disney became the public figure we all know. For anyone completely unfamiliar with Disney's early life, this is about as good as glancing over that paragraph of his Wikipedia page.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: This was bad. Everything about it has a surface level understanding of what is going on. Apparently, the director was hired at the last minute, with essentially no knowledge about Walt Disney, on a low budget that didn't afford many takes. All that shows. The dialogue is uncomfortable. The romanticized elements of the story are corny. There's not enough there for the actors to even hope to give a good performance. This was perfectly painless but completely lacking in inspiration. It's like the money man for the movie was telling everyone "make it good" without saying what "it' was or what "good" meant.

Verdict (?): Weakly Don't Recommend

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