Saturday, July 23, 2016

Delayed Reaction: To Kill a Mockingbird

The Pitch: Remember that book you read in middle school?

How I Came Into It: Technically, I have seen this before, years ago. I think I was in 8th grade. I make exceptions with my Delayed Reactions for movies that I saw way before I could appreciate the richness. Besides, I barely remembered anything about the story.

Why I Saw It: I have to begin with Gregory Peck. I'm pretty sure that's a law. When anyone talks about To Kill A Mockingbird, that person must begin with Peck. His Atticus Finch is widely considered one of the greatest heroes in American film. And that's completely deserved. He's an idealistic hero. These days, we seem to need the good guys to be compromised or conflicted. It's refreshing to not have that. He's just good.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: I remember some things about the book. I know it's the product of the times, but they sure did talk around a lot of things, like the nature of the crime. In context it makes sense, so really, I'm just struggling to find a reason to take issue with this. I really need to restructure how I do these Reactions.

Verdict (?): Weakly Recommend

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