Friday, June 26, 2015

Weekly 10: 6/19-6/25

So far, I've been wrong about every week I've said that I'll have trouble coming up with ten things to represent my week. That again applies to this week. A lot of good stuff happening and plenty to see. I'm still predicting next week will be a bit harder.

Inside Out
Quickly one of my very favorite Pixar movies and certainly one of the best movies I'll see this year. And now I can say things like "that $200 million movie starring Phyllis Smith" which is pretty cool.

NBA Draft
I promise. This is the last I'll be mentioning basketball for a while.

Girl Meets World "Girl Meets Hurricane"
This is Boy Meets World fan fiction by now. I'm eating it up. I do wonder how much these call-backs isolate the new fans (See: the non-adults watching the Disney Channel). Even though the scripts are rubbish, the heart is there and it's impressive how many episodes I sincerely end up liking because of that.

True Detective Premiere
Season 1 was a singular experience. I'm glad that the second season is a massive departure. Since I like this cast so much, I'm staying optimistic that the season is going to be a slow-build like Fargo or Breaking Bad. This certainly didn't pull me in as immediately as Rust Cohle and Marty Hart did.

Battlebots Premiere
I ate the original show up so of course I'd give this a try. They need to inject some humor into it. Playing it straight feels wrong. Otherwise, this looks like a good formula. Just enough background of the competitors to be interesting and not stalling for time. It's going to be a short, six episode season, which sounds right. I'm excited for now.

American Ninja Warrior
This week, the course was in Universal Studios Orlando, which was very distracting. Something about this iteration of the course seemed more dangerous than normal. A lot more people getting hurt or nearly hurt.

Halt and Catch Fire "Play with Friends"
They are laying down more pipe to bring everyone back together. I liked seeing Joe and Gordon interact some more. Gordon is clearly suspicious of Joe. But, since he knows that Joe is always scheming he's more relaxed about taking part in it. It sort of reminds me of the advice "You shouldn't work with your friends" except I don't know which they are.

A Nightmare of Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge
A friend promised me that this was the "subtly" gayest horror movie around and that's exactly what I got. That certainly made an otherwise ho-hum movie interesting.

Parks and Recreation
I recently popped in the last disk of season 4, the election season. That show is great! "The Debate". "Win, Lose, or Draw". Even "Bus Tour". So, so great!!!

Last Week Tonight
Never a bad episode. This week, he went after how shitty the internet is for women.

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