Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Delayed Reaction: Vantage Point

The Pitch: It'll be a modern Rashomon, but instead of different stories of the same event, it will literally be told through different perspectives
How I Came Into It: I knew what the gimmick of it was and I assumed that if it was handled really well then I would've heard more about it in the form of recommendations. I never heard more about it, so I assumed it wasn't anything special.

Why I Saw It: (Club 50) It's a gimmick that I like. I'm a huge fan of perspectives and how a story can change the more that you know. There's a lot of good actors putting in good performances and it does well with the effects.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: If you are going to be repetitive, give me a reason for it. Courage Under Fire's a great example. It's the same story, but different interpretations that all say a lot without saying anything new. Vantage Point spoon feeds the truth in redundant iterations. That gets tiring. By the time that real information starts coming out that actually pushes the narrative forward, I'm so anxious to get to something new that I missed whatever slight details were captured from a moment I'd already seen a half dozen times. It's a good idea with execution that was all off. This is also one of those casts that feel like it's made up of who is available. There's not a single character that couldn't be played by a similar actor for the exact same effect.

Verdict (?): Weakly Recommend

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