Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Delayed Reaction: Twelve Monkeys

The Pitch: Terry Gilliam does a time travel movie.
How I Came Into It: This is a movie that I've been threatening to watch for years. I kept eluding me, but I was also nervous to watch it because Gilliam movies get a little weird. I'm not always ready for that.

Why I Saw It: (Club 50) Bruce Willis is frustratingly good in this. He spends almost the whole movie in a state of confusion or dazed. It's well played, but hard to watch at times. Brad Pitt is a man possessed. I don't think oddball is his best shade although this proves that he can do it if asked to. There's great toying around with time travel and fatality. It's a very clever movie. It looks great (and distinctive). I get why it's highly regarded in SciFi circles.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: Gilliam is another case of a director who I appreciate but don't particularly love. I can't identify anything I disliked about the movie or say that I thought was done poorly. It's just a matter of the type of performances Gilliam got and the visual style didn't appeal to me. Glad I finally saw it though.

Verdict (?): Weakly Recommend

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