Saturday, July 7, 2012

Movie Reaction: Savages

Formula: Traffic + Man on Fire + a dash of Romeo + Juliet
               Scarface + JFK (not really, but I sure would like to see what that movie would look like)
                Any Oliver Stone Movie + Any movie about drug cartels

Cast: It was a three strikes, you're out situation for Taylor Kitsch. After John Carter and Battleship, I was very worried that I'd never see Tim Riggins back to form. Thankfully, he was very good in this in a role that didn't demand all the attention go toward him. I don't see a lot with Aaron Johnson, but last time I saw him was Kick-Ass, so that a sterling reputation as far as I'm concerned. Blake in the movie. She's not great in it. Serviceable is the word I'll use. Salma Hayek hasn't done anything this good in a while. Benicio Del Toro and John Travolta are in familiar roles (for this type of movie, not for those actors).

Plot: I'm pretty sure I've seen this movie before. It feels like most other drug cartel movies I've seen.The whole "just because I'm telling this story doesn't mean I'm alive at the end of it" schtick is pretty stupid, and the ending tries to have it's cake and eat it too. Those things irked me some, although most of the movie was pretty solid. I was surprised to like an Oliver Stone movie this much because I'm normally not a fan.

Elephant in the Room: What the fuck is this movie exactly? The plot is pretty meandering and it feels like a collection of ideas about Mexican drug cartels more than a story that needed to be told. The previews don't do a lot to establish all of what it is, partly, because it is really a series of character pieces.

WTF Moment: There was a baby in the theater. Who brings a baby to a movie that features beheadings in the first ten minutes?

To Sum Things Up:
I quite liked it, certainly more than The Amazing Spider-Man
. And, it's definitely the best of Taylor Kitsch's trinity of movies this year. These aren't the highest praises. I do mean to say it's worth seeing, maybe not in theaters.

Verdict (?): Weakly Don't Recommend

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