Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Post Emmy Nominations Rant

As I figured, Emmy Nominations came out and I have some opinions about them. In case you missed them (and since I'm not about to break down every category...yet), here's a link to the Wikipedia page so you can see who was nominated. I'll give you a minute to peruse that.




I know, right? I can't believe it either. A bunch of idiots. As required by any post about the Emmys, this is where I say that it doesn't really matter in the end because none of these awards matter or affect anything. Then again, of course they matter to me. I've blogged about the top ten Houses, Don't Trust the B... from Apt. 23, and my DVR. TV is kind of my thing. Whatever. Now, how do I want to organize this rant?

I had a giant-ass diatribe all typed out that even I didn't have the effort to get through. Instead, let's do a good, bad, and ugly breakdown.

The Good: All the Nominations. I have absolutely no problem with the picks. Way to go recognizing Community finally.
The Bad: None
The Ugly: They couldn't spare a spot for some Breaking Bad?

The Good: Still no issues with Drama. Great variety of deserving nominees. Girls, Louie, and probably Curb deserve a spot.
The Bad: Modern Family barely deserves one, let alone two nominations for directing all the actors to overreact to things and look surprised when everything plays out predictably.
The Ugly: No love for the live 30 Rock? That seems mean, and HIMYM, as bad as it was, put together a few good showings, like "The Ducky Tie".

Drama Acting
The Good: All the Mad Men love is deserving. Same with Breaking Bad. I can't speak for Downton Abbey, but I can attest that Damian Lewis and Claire Danes should be there for Homeland. It's good to see Peter Dinklage love hasn't waned as well.
The Bad: Kathy Bates is there because she's an Oscar winner. That's about it. Glen Close is good in Damages but shouldn't be a front-runner. Michael C. Hall is a great actor in a bad season who didn't rise above his material. Don't reward that.
The Ugly: Sure, House was bad, but do you really have to snub Hugh Laurie for his last eligible year? Also, I get that Shameless is more of a Comedy, but denying Emmy Rossum a nomination is unquestionably the dumbest snub of the year.

Comedy Acting
The Good: Thank god Louis CK didn't fall out of the field. They found a better second Big Bang nominee this year in Mayim Bialik who was maybe even more impressive than Jim Parsons (who deserves to be nominated, not win) this season. The non-Modern Familiy supporting picks are all pretty solid. Amy Poehler continues to be deserving but not the sole nominee from her show and the twin towers of Tina Fey and Alec Baldwin continue to be a constant and comforting presence.
The Bad: Six Modern Family nominations is absurd for it or any show. Five was two many for 30 Rock a couple years ago and I loved that season. Zooey Deschanel doesn't fit in with the rest of the group. She's good, but not worthy yet. I'm sure Jon Cryer picked up some slack in 2.5 Men but this feels more like a "fuck you" to Charlie Sheen than deserved recognition. Also, I get that Don Cheadle's a movie star and all. Did anyone watch House of Lies? I did. Not a good pick at all.
The Ugly: Combined nominations for Community, Happy Endings, It's Always Sunny, and Parks and Rec? One. That's some "The Wire" level oversight my friends.

Mini-Series and TV Movies
The Good: Nominations for actual mini-series and movies.
The Bad: Nominations for TV shows, at least one for it's second season (Luther).
The Ugly: America's lack of understanding of the British model.

Variety Series
The Good: The familiar faces (Daily Show, Colbert Report, SNL, Real Time)
The Bad: Jimmy Kimmel. Not all Jimmys have to be nominated, especially considering the snubs.
The Ugly: No Conan or Ferguson? That's a shame. Portlandia would've been a refreshing addition as well.

Reality Series
The Ugly: All apply.

Drama Series
The Good: I've only seen 3 of the 6, but I don't see any glaring mistakes. They trimmed the fat, getting rid of Dexter and fortified the field with Homeland. Exciting year. A lot of potential to dethrone Mad Men.
The Bad: I've heard Downton Abbey wasn't as good in season two. Maybe that could've been swapped out. Not sure with what though.
The Ugly: They got rid of the egregious stuff. The view's pretty good from where I'm sitting.

Comedy Series
The Good: 30 Rock is still one of the strongest comedies on TV. Big Bang Theory was strong within the multi-cam model. I've heard great things about Girls as well. I'm glad to see Glee and The Office finally drop out.
The Bad: Modern Family has been steadily going downhill since it's fantastic first season. This one was forgettable at best and lazy as worst.
The Ugly: I expected no Happy Endings, Community, It's Always Sunny. The snubbing of Louie doesn't make sense since it is one of only two comedies (the other being Girls) with noms in Directing, Acting, and Writing. By any stretch of logic, that should mean a nomination of Veep. Also, three noms for HBO pushing Parks & Rec. out is completely ridiculous. No Parks & Rec. is a total pie in the face for a group that actually got it right last year. I honestly don't understand it. No matter who wins this, it won't feel right.


  1. I think Fallon is better than the entire current cast of SNL. Also, do you double-like Girls, or did you mean to mention another show the second time?

    That is all for me. I'm not a big TV buff.

  2. Didn't catch the double Girls. Corrected that.
    I don't know if I've ever watch Fallon. I have know beef with that nomination nor any love for it either.
