Friday, July 6, 2012

Annual DVR Bloodletting

Oh, Summer. How I love thee. It's the closest I have to a break from my maddening TV schedule. Only a few shows are new, so it allows me too get caught up on that long list of "you should watch this. It's so good. It's like my favorite show. How can you not watch this?" shows. It comes down to about the same amount of time in front of the TV, but it's all on DVD, which means I'm can watch while at my computer.
It's about as good a time as any to evaluate my DVR list. See what stays, see what goes, delete what's ended, etc.

I'm starting with a list 36 strong. That's 36 series recordings. Let the bloodbath begin. There's some good new shows coming in the fall. I need to make room. Let's break it down.

Absolute Locks to Stay
30 Rock - An all-time favorite in it's final season.
Breaking Bad - Soooooooooo good. And It's on in the summer. That helps.
Community - No Dan Harmon worries me, but I love too much of this to stop.
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - After last season, how could I stop?
Louie - Oh my god!!! Amazing show! If you don't even give it a chance, I judge you, harshly.
Mad Men - Yeah, I'm on the bandwagon. So what?
Parks and Recreation - Best comedy on TV.

Going Down with the Ship
Burn Notice - It's still harmless fun. I like it more than anything else in this section at this point.Dexter - I think I'm too committed and have built a tradition out of this.
How I Met Your Mother - I hate that I'm still watching this, but I might as well. How much longer can it really have?
The Office - I'm fascinated to watch this train wreck.

Archer - I have no complaints.
Big Bang Theory - I have some issues with it, but it's too harmless to stop.
Happy Endings - This would probably be at "lock" status if my DVR didn't make it such a hassle to record.
The League - Paired with It's Always Sunny... it should be safe.
The Middle - Somehow, I like this series more even if I don't think it gets any better. Weird, right?
New Girl - Had it stayed the way it was in the pilot, I'd be out, but it improved a lot and I'm yet to experience the Zooey fatigue that has struck others.
Suburgatory - I think it's safe. If Alicia Silverstone is still there, I may not be.
Tosh.0 - Who am I kidding, this show's too much fun to stop.
The Walking Dead - Everything else I watch on AMC is amazing. I keep waiting for this to be as well.
Wilfred - Paired with Louie and on in the summer. It is pretty safe.

One Wrong Move...
Cougar Town - Bill Lawrence is out and TBS ruins shows. To say I'm worried is an understatment.
Don't Trust the Apt. 23 - 6 episodes is not a strong sample size. I'm not crazy about it, but I've seen a lot of second season jumps in the past couple years.
Modern Family - It's been pissing me off a lot. One egregious episode or breakout new series and it's gone.
Up All Night - It's a harmless series. I want to be devoted to it, but it has to figure some things out first.

Keeping, But Not Recording on HD
Made - I think it's safe for drinking purposes alone, but that #dreambigger shit has to stop (record an episode and you'll know what I'm talking about).
Saturday Night Live - I'll let my mood decide if I need to watch an episode.
The Soup - I am so close to cancelling this just because DVR can't figure it out.

I Should Buy ShowtimeCalifornication - Such a harmless show. It's probably close to the end anyways, right.
The Green Room with Paul Provenza - Ok, this is only staying IF I get Showtime.
Homeland - This, not Dexter, is why I will probably be ordering Showtime in the fall.
Shameless - It grew on me so much in the second season. The only thinking stopping it from lock status is the premium cable prices.

Series Ended
House - It was a light year for finales. Thank god this one's over.

Bye Bye
Fringe - I busted my ass to get caught up on this for a girl I liked. Then, when that fizzled. So did my interest in the show. It's good, but not my cup of tea. Probably a summer DVD series.
House of Lies -  I gave it a season. That's enough.
Psych - I watched this from the pilot and have liked each season more than the last. I don't know how I stopped watching, but it happened. Now, it's out of rotation. That's why there's DVDs.

That leaves 31 shows. Ok, not much of an improvement from 36. Next year looks primed for more attrition, I hope.
Oh, and I should add this message for whoever I'm living with: Sorry for hogging the TV. I should really get my own DVR.

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