Friday, April 20, 2012

My Issues with Motion Sensors

I hate when motion sensors don't pick up on me. It's so dehumanizing. What gives them the right? Fucking technology. I can deal with people not noticing me. That could be a prank, but machines?

It's especially bad when the person before you has no issue as the sink, but it takes 10-15 seconds for it to notice me. I always have that brief moment of fear that I'm a ghost. Even worse, I could be a ghost and have a backwards sixth sense thing going on. Maybe I died four years ago when I was choking on that ice cube. Were my last words really "Heroes keeps getting better and better. I can't wait to see what they come up with after the writers guild strike is over."

But then, I have a brief moment of joy where I consider that I don't have to come to work if I'm dead. I can eat pizza everyday and stare at all the cleavage I want without worry. But then, the motion sensor picks up on me. I can clean my hands and go back to my same exact daily grind.

And then there's playing a game of chicken with the automatic doors at a store. Happens most often at liquor stores for me. I keep on walking at my normal pace, convinced the door will open, but the old, delayed sensor always wins. And it's for the best when you think about it. Because, to win the game of chicken, you have to run into that door. And, I am reasonably sure they won't let me get booze if I'm running into the door going in.

Who am I kidding? Of course they will.

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