Sunday, March 18, 2012

Movie Reaction: Jeff Who Lives at Home

Formula: You know that one indie movie you saw that one time? It's just like that.

Cast: Hey, I love Jason Segel. Ed Helms is great in supporting roles. Judy Greer is one of those ubiquitous actresses who never quite gets the attention she deserves. Susan Sarandon. Well, she rounded out the cast. That's not to say she was bad. She simply never felt necessary.

Disclaimer: If you have not seen the movie Signs, Jason Segel ruins the entire movie in the opening 5 minutes. You have been warned.

Plot: Let me start by saying that I did enjoy this. However, I am always thrown off by indie comedies since they are rarely laugh-out-loud funny, instead going for more cerebral angles. The plot was one of those "everything comes together at the end" types but I think it's largely a case of personal preference to decide whether it's a well crafted structure or one that only comes together because the movie demands it to. I'm still on the fence. And, Susan Sarandon's role in the movie always came across as filler for me, like they needed someone to switch to while time was passing in the A-story.

Elephant in the Room: You've never even heard of this movie, have you? Don't worry. No one has. I saw it because I liked the cast. If I wasn't an IMDB hound, I'd be as clueless as you.

To Sum Things Up
Everything about this movie felt familiar. Like Hersher or A Little Help, it was enjoyable and had some familiar faces doing familiar things with varying levels of success. It is definitely one to watch on your Instant Queue on a Saturday afternoon while you few through the latest issue of People or Redbook*.

*Is Redbook** still a thing?

**Why do they call it a book when it's a magazine?

Verdict (?): Weakly Recommend

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