Thursday, December 29, 2022

Delayed Reaction: Confess, Fletch

Premise: Fletch gets mixed in with the art world as he tries to clear his name for murder.


Fletch is an 80s movie with a passionate although smaller fanbase. It's a very specific Chevy Chase humor that doesn't work much for me. I do get why his mix of silliness and deadpan has enticed funny actors for years. And, the specificity is why it was so hard to pull off.


Overall, Confess, Fletch feels like a worthy revival attempt. Jon Hamm is ideal casting for this version of Fletch. You see, Hamm is an excellent dramatic actor. He's a willing comic actor. As Fletch, his comedy is in obliviousness or certainty. His best running gag is his insistence that he knows Italian when he's actually quite flawed. He'll judge the foolishness in others and miss it himself.


I get why this movie was a hard sell, even though, they nailed it. Comedies aren't going well in theaters. Fletch is a known brand but not a remembered brand. The comedy is mostly in its wit. There isn't much of a market for films that feel like some people wanted to work on something together and had fun doing it. I tend to like the results of those movies, much like I liked Confess, Fletch. But really, what is there to say about a movie that you don't need to see, but if you watch it, you'll probably like it (or realize very early that it isn't for you?


Verdict: Weakly Recommend

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