Sunday, October 20, 2019

Delayed Reaction: Plan 9 from Outer Space

The Pitch: They call it the among the worst movies ever made for a reason.

Aliens visit Earth and start bringing people back to life for...reasons.

I've had too many years of preparation for this. Not only have I seen Ed Wood, which directly talks about how the movie was made. I've seen The Room and seen the movie and read the book about how that movie got made. I've watched movies like Bowfinger and Son of Rambow about people with such a deep love of movies that they are happy even to make a bad one. It's been embedded deep in my brain that "Who am I to laugh at another person's dream?" I try to say as often as I can that I think it's a miracle that anyone can put together a movie that's even the least bit competent. Plan 9 From Outer Space tests that rule, but leaves it in tact.

I didn't hate Plan 9 from Outer Space in the way I thought I would. I mean, it isn't a good movie. All the bad things people say about it are true. The performances are as terrible as the writing. The sets are laughable. The use of stock footage is hilariously inserted. The attempt to work around Bela Legosi's death is ridiculous. It's very bad.

I spent a lot of this movie thinking about that scene in Lady Bird when we see her parents watching the performance of the school musical. It's bad, but the kids are having a blast and are still figuring things out. You get why people are attending the play and would applaud the kids' efforts at the end. If you just think of Plan 9 From Outer Space as bad community theater, it's easy to appreciate the things that do work in it. A couple people are attempting to give good performances despite the material. I kind of liked the score. When you weigh Wood's ambition against his budget, he gets respectably close to making it work.
It's a bad movie, but I'm glad that there were dummies out there trying to make it good. That said, just watch Ed Wood or Bowfinger. Those get the same point across without actually needing to watch a bad movie.

Verdict: Strongly Don't Recommend

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