Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Delayed Reaction: BPM

The Pitch: Here's your friendly reminder that most countries, not just the USA, fucked over the people of the AIDS epidemic.

A movie peeking into the actions of the Act Up movement in Paris in the early 1990s.

Having not seen any of the nominees that year, I'm going to agree that it silly that BPM didn't make the cut for the Foreign Film Oscar a couple years ago. It's a good movie, and I struggle to see how the five nominated films are all better.

I am a little mixed on the movie though. I'm a huge fan of the Act Up movement stuff. I would've been fine if the entire movie was those meetings the characters frequently attend. It's a great exposition delivery device and it gives the spotlight to the planning, not the protests themselves. It's easy to see a protest and be cynical about it. It's harder when you know the planning and strategy behind it. I love the different factions for different meetings and the struggle to balance the rage everyone felt with the organization's need for restraint in order to get anything done.

This is a long movie. I knew going in exactly where it was going. I get why too. The movie is about AIDS in its most lethal period for the gay community*. It would be disingenuous for a major character not to die. Personally though, my interest in Sean and Nathan's relationship paled in comparison to my interest in the actions of the Act Up group, so when the last 30 minutes shifted so hard to Sean's last days, I felt the run time a lot more.

*Someone correct me if I'm wrong. My impression is that it's gone down since public awareness increased and moved beyond the perception that it was a "gay disease", but I don't know the numbers.

Verdict: Weakly Recommend

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