Sunday, January 6, 2013

Movie Reaction: The Impossible

Formula: 2012, but real

Cast: Naomi Watts and Ewan McGregor are two actors who's abilities I've never questioned and their skill is on full display. Both have powerful, heartbreaking moments that reminded me how great they are. What really impressed me were the three sons. All three of the young actors (Tom Holland, Samuel Joslin, and Oaklee Pendergast, by the way) blew me away at moments. They had a great amount of poise and were treated as individual parts, not a collective.

Plot: The story of a family torn apart by the 2004 tsunami that hit Southeast Asia (remember that? I kind of didn't, truth be told). Most of the movie follows the mother, played by Watts, and the oldest son, played by Holland, as they try to survive and reunite following the Tsunami. It's harrowing and authentic playing it as real as it can. There are a few moments of contrivances that reminded me too much of Serendipity, but I think they were mostly earned, and frankly, by the end, I just wanted a happy ending however they had to.

Elephant in the Room: Isn't this a depressing subject matter? Absolutely. This movie is not for the feint of heart. I can't remember the last time I was this physically uncomfortable in a theater. There are moments that absolutely devastated me and others that brought me to tears. It's that kind of movie.

To Sum Things Up:
The thing I kept hearing about this movie is "this is a great movie that I never want to see again." That is my sentiment exactly. I really like this movie. The Tsunami sequence is as intense as anything I've seen in the last year. Pretty much any time someone cried I nearly did as well. I think it is best to be experienced in theaters since it does have a few immersive moments, but I also understand why most people wouldn't want to see it in that setting. I recommend it although you should know what you are getting into. I nearly backed out and saw Jack Reacher instead because I was already bummed out going in. Glad I didn't back out.

Verdict (?): Weakly Recommend

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