Thursday, November 5, 2020

Delayed Reaction: I Spit on Your Grave 3: Vengeance is Mine

Premise: The woman from the first movie turns to vigilante justice for other victims.


I mean it this time. I'm done with this franchise. I don't enjoy these movies. The rape and violence are too exploitative. I get no thrill from watching it. However, I did want to check this third one out though because the premise intrigued me. I wanted to know how they would bring back Sarah Butler from the first movie, given how specific the idea behind these movies is. Surely, she wouldn't be brutally assaulted again, right?


Thankfully, no. This movie is mercifully light on the rape. Instead, it doubles down on the revenge. If you are the type that gets a thrill out of creative torture, this movie has a couple very painful "executions of justice". The movie takes an unexpected turn by making Butler the heavy of the movie by the end. In the first I Spit on Your Grave, she is "right" to go after those men so brutally. The whole point of the first half of the movie was to convince the audience that those men deserved what was coming to them. In Vengeance is Mine, we don't see any of the violence these men inflict. And their deaths almost feel like entrapment. It's like going to a bad part of town and leaving $1000 hanging out of the back of your pocket. While no one should rob you, you are inviting trouble. Her "evidence" this time is often hearsay or that the men act like jerks to her. By the end of the movie, she's fully deranged and going after innocent people. I kind of wish the movie would've gone even further with the idea. Why even include the early scenes where she's more of a nervous survivor of assault? There shouldn't be a need for the friend to coax this out of her. We have plenty of evidence that she's a badass already.


I think the fourth movie brings back the woman from the 1978 original movie. Since I have no desire to track that down, I think I'm finally freeing myself from this franchise. Hopefully, I don't do this to myself again.


Verdict: Strongly Don't Recommend

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