Monday, November 30, 2020

Delayed Reaction: Books of Blood

Premise: A horror anthology of loosely intertwined stories base of the book series of the same name.


I'll set the scene for you. It was Halloween afternoon. I'm more or less stuck in my apartment, avoiding a party my apartment neighbors are throwing that I was invited to but didn't really want to go to. It was too early to be watching one of the gold star recommended horror movies I had saved up, however I still wanted to see something spooky. I was already on Hulu, since I'd been watching some ER as part of a very unintended binge. I see Books of Blood on the Hulu home page and hit play.


What I'm trying to say is, for a movie I put no thought into and only watched because it was thematically right for the day and seemed preferable to human interaction, Books of Blood was pretty good. It's fun horror. If you are looking for genuine scares, dread, impressive gore, or really stylized filmmaking, this isn't the movie for you. It's more of an empty calorie horror movie: for people who just like having a horror movie on.


I was stoked to see Britt Robertson show up right away in the first full segment. Anna Friel is pretty good in the second segment too. Those are the only two people I can recognize by name. I think the stories intertwined pretty well. They all resolve satisfactorily. The tone is consistent throughout, thankfully never dipping into comedy. I do think they could've done a little more with Robertson's misophonia. The movie couldn't settle on a consistent depiction of it, so it never got enough tension out of it. I think the movie also needed a fourth segment to tie for the interconnectivity to seem intricate enough. Three is nice, but four is where it really starts to feel like someone had to sit down to figure out how this would all work.


Verdict: Weakly Recommend

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