Saturday, October 31, 2020

Quick Reaction: We Are What We Are

So, cannibalism is bad. So is religious extremism. I saw some reviews of this movie which praised the themes and commentary in the movie. I mean, sure, I guess. It's not unique in what it has to say, but I too dislike cannibalism and religious extremism.


I don't see the point of looking that deeply into this. It's a creepy movie about a family with a grisly tradition that some people in town start to discover. My first question, of course is how long the family had been getting away with this. Was this some sort of Murder, She Wrote town where people don't question the absurd number of crimes? I appreciated the perpetually damp scenery and that the movie didn't over-rely on jump scares. It's always a pleasure to see Julia Garner in anything. Same with Wyatt Russell, who looked particularly baby-faced. Man, that ending was vicious. They built toward it well. I kept waiting for something like that, and, while gruesome, it was oddly satisfying.


Verdict: Weakly Don't Recommend

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