Sunday, October 11, 2020

Quick Reaction: Master & Commander: The Far Side of the World

I saw this movie when it originally came to video in 2004. It looked like my kind of movie. A period war film with Maximus and a huge production budget. At the time, I remember being underwhelmed by it and a little bored. Over the years though, I've heard a lot of people insist that it's actually really good. So, I figured 16-year-old me just wasn't appreciating stuff that 33-year-old me would.

Nope. I still found this movie pretty boring. I'm sorry. I want to be a more high-minded and pretentious type, but I just found so much of the movie seriously dull. I'm not sure if it was the language of the film or the sound mixing, but I repeatedly couldn't follow what people were saying. Even the big naval battle at the end was underwhelming because of all the smoke. I get that there probably would've really been a lot of smoke, but please find a more cinematic way to shoot it. I couldn't figure out what was happening for some much of it. I know, I know: "the fog of war" or whatever. I don't care. I pretty much came away with the same level of appreciation for the movie as I did in 2004. So, here's to no personal growth!

Verdict: Weakly Don't Recommend

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