Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Delayed Reaction: White God

The Pitch: Dogs take over a Hungarian town, but not in -like- a happy way.

I've started listening to the Filmspotting podcast recently and I'm still taking the temperature on their recommendations. They were right about The Handmaiden, so I decided to give White Dog a try after it ended up on someone's year-end "Best of" list. Besides, it's about dogs. I probably should've looked into this a little more though.

The movie is about a dog named Hagen. He's owned by teenage girl but is abandoned by her father and left to live on the street. He then goes through all the awful things that happen to dogs on the street that you imagine (yes, dog fighting is involved) before ultimately ending up in the pound. At the pound, he starts a revolt. Hundreds of dogs escape and terrorize the streets of the town.

...I'm not sure that I get the point of the movie. Apparently, all the dogs were shelter animals who were rescued and trained for the film. That's nice. I have a low tolerance for cruelty toward dogs, so I nearly turned this off several times. I guess there's a message about the oppressed rising up against the oppressors. Really, all I got out of it was "It's really impressive how well they trained all these dogs". The closing shot is pretty great, so, there's that.

Verdict (?): Weakly Don't Recommend

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