Sunday, June 10, 2012

Movie Reaction: Prometheus

Alien + 33 years of technical advances
Aliens + 26 years of technical advances
Aliens 3 + ...actually, it's best not to bring it up.

Cast: They put together a good one for this movie. Oddly, the best characters were the ones who emoted the least. That mean Michael Fassbender and Charlize Theron. Fassbender was an effective amalgamation of the robots from A.I. Theron, for the second week in a row plays the antagonistic female in charge. Naomi Rapace is perfectly fine. I'm not sure she brought anything to the lead role but she didn't take anything from it either, so there's that. I always love me some Idris Elba, but he's pretty sparsely or generically used. The rest of the cast is good, although 90% of them exist to be victims* so it doesn't matter too much, right?

*That's not a spoiler unless you know nothing about the Alien franchise, in which case you only have yourself to blame.

Plot: As I just mentioned, this is an Alien movie, so let's not pretend the plot is something groundbreaking here. In all honestly, the plot is an excuse for the visuals. It's pretty generic and the characters not all that developed. That isn't a major fault though, since, as I said, it's more for the visuals and effects.

Effects: These pretty much make the movie. It is all very nice to look at. There are a few sequences that are as intense as you will find in the movies. There is some impressive scope to some of the shots as well. I feel like this is one of those where the 3D may actually be "worth it", although I saw it in 2D and it was still quite engrossing.

Elephant in the Room: If this is a prequel, do I need to to see the other movies? I didn't and it didn't hurt my understanding. Probably, it would've amplified a few scenes, but that's it.

To Sum Things Up:
This was very good. Unlike other movies I've seen this year, namely Battleship, even though the effects are the reason to see it, the plot is not nearly as thin, so a great amount of enjoyment can be had watching it.

Verdict (?): Weakly Recommend


  1. Creepy, unsettling sci-fi goodness.

  2. What you guys said + cosmological questions about human existence, or is that assumed?
