Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Delayed Reaction: The Natural

Premise: A former baseball prodigy gets a second chance at the big leagues when he goes on an impossible run.

I'm sorry, but I just have to talk about the thing that everyone brings up about this movie. How old does this movie think Robert Redford is? By my math, he was 52 when this movie was released. He'd playing a 19 year old and a 35 year old at different points...What?! I'm all for some cognitive dissonance, and I get that they didn't have de-aging technology like they do now. I need a reason for casting the actor in the first place though. The movie never catches up to Redford's actual age. It's not something where they wanted a narrative consistency as he aged into something closer to his actual age. Nope. Someone just thought that was a good idea. This distracted me throughout the movie. I had trouble appreciating anything else about it, because I was too fixated on that.

It's a fine sports movie though. Had the role been played by Tom Hanks or someone like that, I'm sure I'd appreciate even more about it. Swap Redford and Costner in their mid-80s baseball movies and that would probably work better.
I did appreciate how hopelessly sentimental the movie is. I love how mythical it makes the creation of the bat, and the whole thing is soaked in nostalgia.

Verdict: Weakly Don't Recommend

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