Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Quick Reaction: Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers

I'm probably doing the Halloween franchise wrong. I've seen the original and Season of the Witch, which doesn't really fit in the franchise. I still haven't gotten to Halloween 2, although my understanding is that it's a lazier sequel that doesn't deepen the mythology much. Halloween 4 drops Jamie Lee Curtis and picks up with Danielle Harris' Jamie Lloyd. They do what they can to deepen the mythology in the movie and then end with Harris killing her foster mother. It's still a slasher at heart though, yet it's a reheated version. This is such an odd franchise The first movie is a stone-cold classic, yet people keep trying and failing to to continue the formula. They tried a new protagonist. They brought Jamie Lee Curtis back when they realized she was also the face of the franchise. They tied to mix in some post-Blair Witch found footage. The got Rob Zombie to fully reboot it in his image. The latest run has thrown out all the sequels and been pretty successful as a relaunch. It's clear that, like Michael Myers, this franchise will never truly die. Many of the sequels are like The Return of Michael Myers: pretty anonymous.


Verdict: Weakly Don't Recommend

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