Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Delayed Reaction: The Legend of Drunken Master

Premise: A prequel of Drunken Master which gives Jackie Chan an excuse to do a lot of stunts.


It's weird. I watched this movie. I followed what was going on. It seemed like there was a lot of story to it and I felt like I was going along with it. Now I'm going back and thinking about it. I have no idea what the movie was actually about. Jackie Chan ends up switching a package with someone and is being pursued for that. There's some family drama about shaming his father. I really only remember it as a fight scene delivery service.


It should surprise no one following this blog for the last year that I loved this movie. It's another great Jackie Chan showcase. These are some of the most audacious stunts and fight scenes yet. Chan rolls through fire. There's that fight early on with the spear in the enclosed spaces that's begging for someone to get hurt. The fight against the axe gang is insane. That has so many people and so much choreography. It's...insane. I love in the credits gag reel, there's a blooper from that fight where Chan misses the bamboo stick. It's amazing how everyone moves exactly like he is holding the bamboo stick for several beats. It highlights how tightly all of this is choreographed.


Look, as a phone and screen addicted millennial, I don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth, but I'd kind of like to find non-dubbed versions of these movies. From what I gather, these dubbed re-releases are actually new cuts, and I'm left wondering what was cut out. Probably dull stuff, but I'm enjoying these movies so much that I'll take anything new I can find.


Verdict: Strongly Recommend

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