Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Delayed Reaction: Ferdinand

Premise: A friendly bull refuses to be in violent bull fights but is forced to take part anyway.


(Club 50)
I only recently learned that in bull fighting, they kill the bull. For 30+ years of my life, it never occurred to me that bull fighting was more than waving a red cape out of the way. I never thought a single bit past that. I was horrified when I found out. It's not like they kill the bronco after it throws the rider off at the rodeo (or do they?! I'm questioning everything now). I have no idea how this movie would've landed with me as a child. I think it would've disturbed me. I mean, I'm still not over Bambi's mom. So, kudos on Blue Sky Studios for taking this head on.


This is one of my Club 50 movies. That's my goal of seeing every top 50 movies at the box office for each year since I was born (1987). I just about caught up a couple years ago and have let the list build back up some. It's mostly kids’ movies that I've missed for obvious reasons. Ferdinand is a reminder why. I've never been a fan of Blue Sky's animated offerings. They are a little too focused on the kids most of the time. That too is the case with Ferdinand. Despite facing some serious topics, the movie remains thoroughly disinterested in the adults watching it, which is fine. John Cena is a surprisingly good voice actor. I enjoy Kate McKinnon doing her thing all over the movie. I realize that casting actual voice actors is a lost battle at this point, but it does seem a little lazy to cast Peyton Manning as a bull named Guapo in Mexico. Did we really need that?


There is more to the movie than I expected, which is nice. It's nothing special though. The animation didn't look that great. I know Blue Sky isn't spending Pixar money, but it all looked pretty bland. You could do a lot worse, I guess.


Verdict: Weakly Don't Recommend

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