Thursday, December 3, 2020

Delayed Reaction: Train to Busan

Premise: The passengers on a train try to get to a safe zone during a zombie apocalypse.


Can we all agree that zombie movies aren't horror anymore? Perhaps a small subsect of them still are, but the majority are action movies or thrillers. The only thing that makes them horror is that zombies come from the horror cannon. That's not a knock against zombie movies. It's just, I feel silly saying that Train to Busan is one of the best horror movies I saw this year, when I watched it more like a Mission: Impossible movie than The Ring.


Regardless, Train to Busan is very good as whatever genre you want to call it. It's nothing new. We all know the drill. There's a mutation. When people are bit, they turn into fast, aggressive zombies. This takes over the population quickly. The movie follows a decent-sized group of people who slowly get picked off until they get to safety. Train to Busan executes this at a high level though. It builds characters quickly and effectively. It leaves room to discuss things like class and human nature when the stakes are high. This is full of really entertaining scenarios for characters to survive. I love how little plot armor characters have and how quickly it was willing to dispatch some of the most likable characters. The zombie design and especially movements were excellent. I swear. Every time I watch a Korean movie, I come away confused about why I haven't been watching more of them for longer. I'd have to check the full list, but I think Train to Busan is the best zombie movie I've seen since 28 Days Later and by a pretty wide margin.


Verdict: Strongly Recommend

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