Saturday, December 5, 2020

Delayed Reaction: Police Story

Premise: A police officer ends up at the center of a case to prosecute a drug lord when he's assigned to protect the key witness in the case.


I need to take a moment to talk directly to every family member and friend I've had throughout my life. Why have none of you told me to check out Jackie Chan's earlier movies? This is an unacceptable oversight by people I have trusted and even looked up to for years. I mean, I rented Shanghai Knights three times from Hollywood Video in high school. Where was the wise adult telling me, if you like that, did you know he has decades of even crazier Chinese movies? Frankly, I'm furious. I'm going to need a minute.




OK. I've calmed down. This movie rules! I really don't know why it didn't occur to me sooner that I'd like Chan's Chinese movies. It's a ton of really impressive and precise stunts mixed with some really silly and slapstick comedy. What's not to love? Police Story seemed like a good jumping off point for Chan's movies, since it's his most prolific franchise and he directed the movie. It's the purest Jackie Chan I could think of. I almost don't know what to say about it. The plot is pretty stupid. It's scored to some bad 80s synth music. It's overacted. And none of that matters. Every 10 minutes or so, there's a chase or fight scene with either astounding ambition or amazing physical comedy.


I have no real complaints. I guess if you were never charmed at all by Chan's American movies, you won't find much to like in Police Story. I loved it though. Now excuse me while I go add a bunch of old Jackie Chan movies to my watchlist.


Verdict: Strongly Recommend

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