Saturday, July 14, 2018

Delayed Reaction: Good Time

The Pitch: What else does Robert Pattinson have to do to wipe Edward Cullen away?

A small time crook tries desperately to get his brother out of jail over one increasingly complicated night.

I barely remember watching the Twilight movies and I've seen Pattinson in plenty of other films. I have no trouble forgetting about his Twilight past. I've noticed most reviews of this movie I found are centered around "Robert Pattinson is really good in this" like it's a surprise after all these years. I can only assume this is because they are still remembering him for Twlight, not the dozen other movies he's made.

So, going into Good Time already with the expectation that Pattinson would be good, I wasn't that impressed with the movie. Pattinson anchors it nicely. The Safdie brothers (the directors) tighten the screws throughout the efficiently short runtime. I never quite knew what to expect next. That's about it though.

Let's talk about luck for a minute. Can you make your own luck? Good Time is a movie about a guy who moves from place to place, making it up as he goes along. Connie's (Pattinson's) ability to improvise is impressive and he get further than he ever should've been able to. Luck is something outside of your control. I think Connie gets a little too lucky in the movie. The guy he takes by mistake instead of his brother just happens to have a small fortune hidden somewhere. The old woman agrees to let this clearly shady person sleep in her house and also, somehow doesn't wake up when Ray wakes up and starts freaking out. And Crystal being so malleable. There's a lot of luck that the story depends on. I think I was supposed to come away from this a lot more impressed with Connie's resourcefulness and cleverness than I was.

Verdict (?): Weakly Don't Recommend

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