Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Delayed Reaction: West Side Story

Premise: Romeo and Juliet on the streets of New York.


There isn't much left to say about this movie that hasn't been said more eloquently elsewhere. This isn't even my first time watching it technically. I saw it about 20 years ago in school, which, it turns out, doesn't create the optimal viewing experience. So, I'll keep this simple.


I get it. This movie rules. It's one of those Best Picture winners you look at and cannot argue against it. It was inevitable. Is anyone really out there saying Breakfast at Tiffany's or The Hustler is actually the film achievement of 1961? From the opening frame, this movie is as confident as you'll find. It plays a freaking overture without even including credits. It's like a hype man teasing an audience. I don't know how this movie could've been made without everyone involved knowing that it was going to be great. It's all cocky assurance. I know we joke about the street gangs dancing now. Out of context, it's very silly. And if the movie was at all self-conscious about how silly it could look, then it would fall apart. But as soon as the movie begins, I'm in it. Give me all the swagger! I don't know how much of the movie was shot on a sound stage or on location, but I love how every song and dance number feels like I'm watching the biggest Broadway show imaginable.


I watched this both in preparation for the remake coming in December but also because of In the Heights. The big thing I pointed to that held me back about In the Heights was that the soundtrack was a little lacking. The songs weren't bad, but they weren't the stuff of a soundtrack I wanted to listen to on repeat. Conversely, that's a lot of the enduring appeal of West Side Story. The movie would not be so well remembered if the soundtrack didn't have so many bangers. "Tonight". "I Feel Pretty". "Jet Song". "America"! What a soundtrack!


West Side Story doesn't need me to cement its legacy. It is an epic movie that deserves all the historical praise it has received. I don't know that it's ranking as one of my favorite movies, but it is one of those movies to watch if I need a reminder of why I love movies (which might be a distinction without a difference once I sit will this a little longer).


Verdict: Strongly Recommend

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