Thursday, August 5, 2021

Delayed Reaction: The Hitman's Bodyguard

Premise: A hitman who is giving testimony against a crime boss is a assigned a professional rival as his bodyguard.


This Reaction exists in limbo. I watched this movie in preparation for its sequel. Yet, as always, I'm several weeks ahead of my posts for the blog as a measure to make sure I always have content waiting, even when I take a break from watching new stuff. So, that means I'm be posting this well after my Reaction to the sequel, which will no doubt reference opinions I express here, despite them not being available yet. I suppose I could just jump this post to the front of my queue to post. But then I'd have to rewrite this paragraph.


This is one of those movies I remember as a bigger hit than it was. It only made $75 million at the box office, but it came out in the August doldrums, where it was the top movie for 3 weekends. It is the kind of mid-budget movie for grownups that every podcast I listen to complains about the studios not making anymore. I really never had much desire to see it though.


This is the kind of movie that you've seen even before you watch a second of it. I know the Samuel L. Jackson persona. I know the Ryan Reynolds persona. I see the title. I know the movie. Jackson and Reynolds are fun in the roles you expect them to play. The MVP is Salma Hayek, who is having a ton of fun swearing and being a badass. In the context of this franchise, I could not be more excited by her moving to more of a lead role in the sequel. Nothing else made an impression in the movie. Owning its R-rating was smart. I like that there's a fake out ending of sorts. It's a decently amusing movie even though it's not particularly funny. You 100% already know if you'll like the movie or when you are in the mood for it. I'd certainly rather watch a The Spy Who Dumped Me though.


Verdict: Weakly Don't Recommend

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