Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Quick Reaction: Morocco

North Africa post-WWI and into WWII seems like it was the place to be. I haven't seen that many movies from that time period, but among them are Morocco, Algiers, and Casablanca. So, either my sample size is wildly non-representative, or that was a popular setting back then. It's an exotic area that was also under European rule for long enough to look cosmopolitan. That creates a really cool dynamic. I wish Hollywood would go back to it a little more often. Allied took place there, but that's the only recent example I can think of. I'm probably forgetting about many. I do think the image of the region changed some after WWII and the revolts against the French. The first world impression changed from seeing it as a mysterious place to yet another region in discord due to weak government and assorted persecutions.


Really though, if you're watching this movie, it's for Marlene Dietrich dancing in a tuxedo. It's the most indelible image from the movie. It's sparked decades of discussions about what Hollywood could've been had the Hays Code not taken over and stomped down any bit of subversion.


Otherwise, the movie is pretty forgettable. Not bad. Gary Cooper and Dietrich are good and work well on screen together. It's well made, especially for that era. I certainly prefer it over the Best Picture winner that year, Cimarron. This movie certainly falls victim to the fact that I'm not well trained for the pacing and style of older films.


Verdict: Weakly Don't Recommend

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